Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Loftus Hall Trouble

I took my sketch drawing to work with me today since I was going to be sitting in at the Children's Section for three hours, it took me an hour to finish what I need done.
My problem is, in the painting, looks like I drew too many steps, what I know is going on is a perception shift, as the steps go up you don't see the top of the step like in the bottom of the drawing here.
I have to go back and smudge a bit.

I also noticed in the drawing itself I have drawn too many posts on the left side.  I guess I was too busy practicing drawing the post to keep count, doesn't matter, I got it down right on the canvas. I just have to fix up those stairs.  
Perspective has always been a challenge in my drawing, more so now since my right eye has a partially detached retina.  NO I am NOT going to get it fixed, no health insurance, can't afford it and cant get on Obama care because my income is TOO LOW go figure.
I work part time as a library page, not a lot of money coming in but enough to get by.  I will never work full time again because I just can't handle it.  I have kids that NEED me.  I mean they need me to be there not mentally checked out and depressed because I spend too much time in a job I don't like.  
Besides that I have a mild form of autism known as Asberger's 
The job I have is not highly social which is calming for me as opposed to the forty hour work week I used to do as a cashier in a small grocery store. I kept doodling on small pads of paper to keep my mind sane.
My art gives me something to think about, a lot
its a place I can go to that gives me energy 
instead of sucking everything out of me like most things.
I seem to be pretty good at it though I still have things to work on.

I have done charcoal reversals, pen and ink, graphite drawing watercolor
Oils (my favorite)
Ceramics and stained glass
These were my first projects in glass

this is the top half of a colored pencil drawing I did what  like 9 years ago
when I scanned this it cut off the knotwork boarders 
This is Abraxus, a unicorn from a story I have been writing.
Yeah I make stories too but they take even longer to get down on paper, it's the editing process that gets me bogged down, not so with Painting, I just keep going till it's done.
I'll keep chugging at Loftus Hall till I'm done,
I did get some drawing down on the canvas but I think I need to rest up and try painting
the next night, let my brain figure out how to work those steps.  Most of the drawing work is done. I'm making progress just a bit slower than I thought it would be.  

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