Friday, September 9, 2011

Homeschool Awaiting!

ooohh so soon my daughter who is nine will be coming home from the vacation RV trip with my parents.  We can start our homeschooling and I want to get on a creative start.  With my daughter a lot of the work has to be movement.  She gets bored and tired when sitting still too long and I have been trying to figure out how much seatwork (writing, math sheets) she can do before she's snoozing.  I have had the snoozing problem with school on occasion but it was partly the allergy medicines at the time (the 80's) I was stuck in special ed (Asperger's was not heard of then so I was thought of as a troubled or disturbed child)
I was just plain bored.  LOVED to read so much of what I learned I got from reading, not listening to teachers, hey I do respect the teachers I have had but honestly I cannot sit and pay attention long enough before daydreaming, sorry, even with more interesting speakers if it goes on longer than my limit I'm zoning!

Here is the ideas for my Homeschooling

1.  Supercharged Science  I cannot afford this great lady's curriculum but she has a newsletter and I constantly get free stuff and tips and very interesting science projects.   Ariel loves it and the free science project ideas are usually easy to do with things found around the house.

2.  Discovering Great Artists  This is a book I found for cheap on, a great resource for book lovers like me.  This has got a short bio of each artist then an artist activity to do the art like the artist and it ranges from super easy to a bit challenging and it's great for a wide age range and the page lets you know by stars how easy or hard it is.

3.  Spelling games   I have Boggle Jr to start out with, it's mostly for pre schoolers but she's weak in spelling and I am looking for more spelling ideas.

4.  Journaling,  Writing is hard for her, as well as spelling so we are going to work more on that through journaling at the end of her session, she writes using some of the words we worked on in spelling games.  I have to be really focused and limited on this till she can expand her spelling range then we can have more journaling ideas.

5.  Reading Streak  this idea is based on a book I read of a daughter and her relationship with her father, he read to her since she was young even when she could read by herself.  I let Ariel pick out the book and we read every night from that book.  We were reading Under a blood red sun, a book in sixth grade reading level about a boy who is Japanese, in Hawaii in 1941.  Very interesting talks with her about WWII and prejudice and fear.

6. AWANA and CARAVAN   Two Christian clubs she goes to.  AWANA has not started yet but the CARAVAN has, Caravan is like the girl and boy scouts, you earn badges though the year learning about God and Jesus, AWANA is like that but I pay dues to this one while Caravan is though our church and is free and they have pickups so I don't have to drive my kid there, but I MIGHT join to help out there.  I incorporate the AWANA into her homeschooling, it's a lot of reading and memorization for her, I have her copy verses for recital so she practices writing.

7.  Seatwork  this I want to keep minimal but that's the writing, math pages stuff to do but I am changing that a bit.  For the math she gets overwhelmed with a page full of problems so I am going to choose four problems from that page, have it written neatly in her math journal, then she can do the work.  I will use the page from the math workbook as a final test.  THEN she will do all the problems but she should be able to recognize them as ones she has done and be able to focus.
I will start her on cursive, slowly, using words she has trouble spelling.  Maybe she will get the hang of the fluidity of the writing and be able to write faster.  At my parents house she learns typing, they have a computer typing program.

I have other ideas that are not written in detail here, but I'll say one half is Home Ec, she loves cooking and recipies and the other is learning Etsy and how to be a crafter.

1 comment:

  1. I have some good friends who home schooled their children. I admire your strength to do this! Sounds like you are making learning fun, it really should be!


Bleed The Knife

                                       Bleed The Knife by Julie Akeman   I have been thinking of this piece all day..and finally execute...