Friday, November 28, 2014

Loftus Hall Project Phase 1 part b

Don't you just love crappy first sketches?  I am getting the idea here of the shape of things.  Bear in mine I am doing this sketch from a black and white print of the staircase and a lot of it is dark and I can't see much of the detail.  Which just means I have to go back though and see the color shot and  probably should watch the Loftus Hall portion of Celtic Demons again to see it better.  Some might ask why I go through so much trouble to do this thing.  Well if you have to ask then you don't know the artist mind, we are flippin NUTS.  Pure and Simple.  I have such a strong vision of this idea, this very emotive painting of the staircase that I HAVE TO DO IT.  I know it will look totally bonkers when I first layer it in magenta but trust me it will work very well as I add the other layers on top.  I have done this with smaller paintings before, the hard part is just getting the drawing of the staircase down.  I still have to figure out where to store this painting when I get started on it.  I live in a three bedroom apartment with FOUR KIDS 12, 8, 2 (she's into EVERYTHING) and the youngest is ten months.  The oldest two know better than to go near mommy's work because I descend upon them like a banshee when near my stuff.  I have to work in the kitchen late at night to get work done.  Very hard to accomplish anything in the daylight.

I might as well show off another painting that goes along with Celtic Mythology  MY POOKA

Not bad but I don't like how my moon looks, it looks like a big round stone or else an ORB floating there.
My oldest daughter doesn't like how the legs are, because they are malformed and I explained to her that it's like that because the thing is in the middle of forming.  It looks pretty cool up close. 

I have Scots and Irish roots and when Ghost Adventures did Celtic Demons I went NUTS .  I don't get cable (can't afford it, had a choice and I choose internet connection)  I found it on Youtube.
I was like ohhhh got to start sketching out stuff of Celtic Mythology 

One of my best redones.  The original fairy looked bad so I redid the wings but ended up painting over the whole painting which made the colors richer.
From this I hope you get the idea of where I am going with this Loftus Hall idea though it will be different than what I have been doing.  I tend to really favor greens and Ultramarine but Loftus Hall will be deep reds and dark purples.  I don't use black or brown anymore, not straight out of the tube, If I want to indicate something dark I would use Indigo, black just looks too flat for me.  I love rich colors.

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Bleed The Knife

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