Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A Gothic Halloween

I LOVE Halloween, I live in Kansas and our small town has a Neewollah festival, it was created in the 20's to stop rambunctious youths from tearing up the town.
We get a small carnival in, bands play, we get a mixture of rock and Christian groups and country in to please everybody, and we have three different parades.
Last year I was in two of them, the Do Dah parade, where mostly adults are all dressed up scary, our library staff went on this one, we were all Zombies.
It was funny, I walked in all Zombie fied and some of the staff was thinking about not doing it because it was a long hard day, I was a page so my hours are short.
I was tired too but wanting to get all fixed up.
When they saw what I looked like they got enthuised about it so we went.
I just wished I had a severed arm with an overdue book in the hand.

I have collected some items in my Etsy favorites that are Halloween inspired.
Loopy Boopy above is one of my favorites.
The Goth dolls remind me of Tim Burton's work.
This bat boy is a cutie too.
Who said Halloween has to be all blood and gore and scary stuff.
Why not the cute items.
The other parade we have in our town is the Kiddie Parade
Which is of course parents and their kids go for this one.
My kids got to ride the AWANA hay cart though the town.
I don't know what I am going to do this year, don't know if the library director is planning anything.
We walked the last time, it would be nice if we had a car pulling a hay bed 
or something like that.
It was hard walking after being on your feet all day.
Ok so here's a little blood, but it's a cute one, only a little gory.
I get a kick out of Trick or Treating
Love the decorations and all
Have to pick up a book on Halloween crafts before they disappear from the library.
I love the book that tells how to used recycled items to make neat decorations.
Saves me some money on art supplies.
I love this photo, it reminds me of the Library's Ghost Stories in the Park.
They started this some time ago.
First it was the staff, me and two other ladies
reading off a script some creepy stories.
After that we were able to hire professional story tellers.
We have been able to get more outside people to perform at our library.
I still would have loved doing a performance again
or else just read from a creepy book
it's so much fun and my daughter loves how I read.
I often don't sound like I'm reading, I go at it so smoothly.
Halloween is ever sneaking closer.
My daughter wants to be a black cat
I am not sure what I want to be
and my husband put Trick r Treat on Netflix
a really well done multilayerd scary movie.
Sweet Spooky Dreams!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for featuring my ACEO! Be sure to check out the team blog every Friday for my Freaky and Fun Halloween Tutorials, making creepy decorations from everyday items! Already done 3 the last few Fridays and still more to come every Friday leading up to Halloween!


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